Pagham South and the Arun District Local Plan

Hanbury Properties instructed Ecology Solutions with regard to ecological survey and assessment work at the development site known as Pagham South. Karl Goodbun headed Ecology Solutions’ input relating to the promotion of the site through the local plan making process and additionally, a planning application for the provision of up to 400 residential units along with public open space, retail and community provisions.

In addition to site specific habitat and protected species constraints, the site is located just over 400m from the Pagham Harbour SPA / Ramsar site. Matters concerning the application of the tests of the Habitats Regulations regarding these designated sites were critical in the decision-making process. A key issue was the potential value of the site to Brent Geese and the extent to which it can be considered as supporting habitat for this interest feature of the SPA / Ramsar site. Karl Goodbun prepared the Ecological Assessment and stand-alone detailed reporting to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment. He also presented both written and oral evidence at the Examination In Public as part of the local plan process and negotiated the SPA / Ramsar site mitigation / avoidance package of measures, through liaison with Natural England. The site was allocated within the Arun District Local Plan and subsequent to this, outline planning permission was granted for the proposals, whilst at the same time other applications facing the same issues were rejected. Ecology Solutions is retained to advise on the discharge of reserved matters applications and relevant planning conditions.

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