
Badgers are protected under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. This aims to protect the species from persecution and makes the intentional or reckless destruction, damage or obstruction of a Badger sett an offence.

At Ecology Solutions, our experienced Badger experts can take care of the survey process from the initial preliminary survey through to the proposal and implementation of pragmatic and effective solutions to minimise disruption to your projects and enable the swift resolution of any potential issues.

If Badgers are detected on the site and development works are likely to have a significant impact, our ecologists will advise on obtaining a licence. We will assess the effect of development and propose mitigation and compensation measures to reduce and offset negative impacts.

Mitigation may simply involve adapting development works to avoid the use of heavy machinery or chemicals in the proximity of setts, felling trees so that they fall away from active entrances and avoiding noise and vibration over active setts. Habitat restoration or recreation may be required, such as maintaining foraging and watering areas, creating tunnels or underpasses or temporarily excluding Badgers using fencing.

A licence is required before a sett can be destroyed. We have extensive experience in obtaining Badger licences and ensuring their proper implementation, enabling development to commence swiftly.

Surveys for Badgers can be undertaken year-round.