
Ecology Solutions has been involved in this scheme for over 20 years following through the initial site promotion and allocation of the site for development. This has encompassed extensive habitat and protected species surveys and assessment (for bats, Badgers, Dormice, Great Crested Newts, birds, Otters and reptiles), as well as liaison with Natural England regarding recreational effects on the Pebblebed Heaths Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation, to inform the successful outline planning application for 2,900 units and associated open space and infrastructure, including a country park. A subsequent application achieved consent for a further uplift of 587 dwellings.

After securing the outline consent Ecology Solutions has completed various licensed mitigation strategies and further work towards numerous reserved matters applications to allow implementation of the development. Ecology Solutions has also helped secure allocations for expansion areas to the site within the latest adopted Local Plan.

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