Our specialist team of ecologists are experienced in the survey of all UK habitats including coastal and marine, freshwater, grassland, heathland, lowland, wetland, upland and woodland environments. In particular, we offer:
Phase 1 Habitat Survey
A standard field survey technique able to provide an overview of semi-natural vegetation and other wildlife at a development site, used to assess the necessity for further survey, to provide a record of the current condition of a site and to provide an initial assessment on the potential for conservation.
Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey
A standard field survey as above but with additional techniques designed to provide further information on the habitat, such as its suitability for protected species.
Phase 2 Habitat Survey/National Vegetation Classification (NVC)
Often carried out as a follow-up to Phase 1/Extended Phase 1 Surveys when more detailed information is required, Phase 2 Habitat Surveys offer a more in-depth assessment of vegetation present at a site. The NVC system is recognised as the industry standard developed for nature conservation agencies and provides a comprehensive classification of plant types in the United Kingdom.
River Corridor Surveys
A nationally recognised ecological survey technique used to assess freshwater habitat quality and appropriate management.
Hedgerows Surveys
A survey to assess the structure and biodiversity of hedgerows, and whether they should be classed as ‘important’ under the Hedgerows Regulations 1997.
Protected Sites
The survey of habitat types in relation to internationally, nationally or locally protected habitat designations such as Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs), Ramsar Sites, Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) and Local Wildlife Sites [LWSs, also known as County Wildlife Sites (CWSs), Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation [SINCs] and Sites of Nature Conservation Interest (SNCIs)] . Work to assess the potential effects of development on designated sites can include visitor recreation surveys as well as assessments of ecological interest.
Ancient Woodland and Veteran Trees
Ecology Solutions has particular experience in the survey and assessment of ancient woodland status, focusing on the presence on ancient woodland indicator species in the ground flora, as well as other ecological factors. Working closely with the project heritage consultant and arboriculturalist, we are able to give an informed view on ancient status. For aged trees outside of a woodland context, we can apply the veteran tree survey protocol.
All projects are assessed individually in order to ascertain the most appropriate and effective survey techniques required for the further development of the site, and expert evidence is presented at inquiry in support of survey findings if required.