

At Ecology Solutions we have comprehensive understanding of the impact of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017, commonly known as the Habitats Regulations, which transpose the European Habitats Directive and Wild Birds Directive into English law.

Development sites in the United Kingdom which may affect sites under European designation may require a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to ascertain any likely significant effects and identify appropriate solutions. This assessment must be carried out before a project or development affecting a European site can be lawfully undertaken.

Our specialist team of ecologists can provide detailed advice and solutions for affected projects. We are experienced in preparing HRA Screening and Appropriate Assessment reports, as well as offering specialised services for HRA of Special Protection Areas and Special Areas of Conservation, including studies of existing and projected visitor pressure. Each HRA is carried out by an experienced ecologist with intimate knowledge of both the site and the regulations. We also have extensive expertise in preparing reports for particularly challenging development sites; in such cases, our ecologists may also liaise with Natural England before the submission of the report to the Local Planning Authority in order to ensure optimum compliance with the regulations and enable your project to proceed with minimum disruption.

Our familiarity and proficiency with European legislation means that we are able to respond to the varied needs of a range of clients, both within the UK and across the European Union, calling on a breadth of linguistic expertise from our full-time and part-time staff.

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